March 1st - March 7th is Endometriosis week.
This is a great opportunity for businesses to improve their Endometriosis support in the workplace. Endometriosis is the second most common gynaecological condition in the UK and can affect around 1 in 10 women, it typically affects people between puberty and menopause.

It’s important we recognise not everyone who is affected by endometriosis is a woman. This is something that can affect our non-binary and trans colleagues too.
Some people will experience chronic pain and fatigue, which can lead to needing time off work to cope with symptoms, or for tests and treatment.
Not every individual facing this condition experience negative effects and will not require support from their employer. Here's how you could help,
• Understand how to help the individual do their job
• Provide signposting to appropriate support
• Make safe spaces for people to feel comfortable